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A series on contentment: God is good!

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend.

Me and my family spent most of yesterday relaxing around the house, painting Easter cookies, and eating a big and delicious Easter brunch. We weren’t very motivated to hang outside in the 50 degree weather but we’re hoping it warms up this week.

I have been feeling the Lord working on this area of my heart recently, so this week I am starting a 4-week series on contentment. Make sure to watch for the next 3 blog’s to finish out the series. Let’s kick it off right now!

Contentment: Trusting that God is good.

I don’t think it is news to you that the Lord calls us to live with contentment. But what exactly does that mean? In possibly the most popular scripture on contentment, Paul wrote:

“Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” -Philippians 4:11-13

Contentment is a sense of satisfaction, fulfillment, gratification, and peace. In order to gain this sense of contentment in Christ, I believe we first need to believe that He is good. We can't trust someone if we are questioning their character and motives. The Bible shows us over and over and over again the goodness of God, take 1 Chronicles 16:34, Psalms 25:8, Mark 10:18, Psalms 145:9, Psalms 100:4-5, Nahum 1:7, or James 1:17 for example. We are repeatedly told “the Lord is good,” “For the Lord is good,” and “In your abundant goodness.”

We see His goodness in every story of the Bible. He shows mercy when it isn’t deserved, He heals what is broken, He fights for His people, He desires a relationship with us, and He has a plan for each of us that is good. If we believe that God is good, we can then trust Him.

His ways are good. His plans are good. His motives are good. He is for us. That knowledge and belief allows us to live in contentment; because if God is in control, and God is good, then we don’t need to worry. Does that make sense, friends? A GOOD God is in control of our lives. A God FOR us. Man, I love that.

I hope you can live this week through the lens of God’s goodness. If you are struggling with this attribute of the Lord, ask Him to reveal His abundant goodness to you this week. Pray that He opens your eyes to His character and allow Him to show you His goodness.

My prayer for you this week:

Father, you are GOOD. And we praise you for that. God, I pray you will open the eyes of each individual reading this today to see your goodness. As they go throughout their day, Jesus, just reveal to them all the things your hands have done and are doing. Help us grow in relationship with you so that we may trust your character and find contentment in you alone. For we know that not one is good, but you. Thank you for all that you provide for us, allow us to live in thankfulness this week. Amen!


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